Monday, October 18, 2010

Amboyna Burls

Here are some amboyna burls that i may or may not have, depending on the person i'm talking to . . .

Samut-saring proyektong kahoy

We have been busy during the past few months . . . and look at what we did !!!

This is a ten-seater dining table (although you can see only 8 chairs in the photo) made of narra and kamagong. The table top is 39 inches by 7 1/2 feet with its base made to match the back of the chairs. This dining set is presently displayed at the Tabaco City Mall pasalubong center to showcase what we can do as a craftsman.

The table below is stunning in its simple elegance. And as you examine it closer, you will realize that the craftsman have paid great attention to detail.

The bed featured below is quite nice . . .

This table is fit for a general . . .

And of course, this vanity piece is fit for a general's daughter.